Sunday 18 December 2011

Cherry Tree Installation by Tom Price

Using nothing but polypropylene plumbing pipes and nylon cable ties, London-based designer Tom Price has created an entire forest of cherry trees.

‘It’s partly about the material and what can be done with it, but it’s also intended as an observation of our understanding and acceptance of beauty,’ Price explains. ‘There is a certain irony in representing something so natural and ephemeral with a material that’s manmade and has a very long shelf life.’

The project questions our relationship with and attitudes toward plastic, which is generally seen as inferior and undesirable. Price says he enjoys working with the utilitarian material, which he finds malleable and unpredictable.

The installation was shown at the Industry Gallery in Washington DC, earlier this month. Price says the project pays homage to DC’s iconic cherry trees, which were gifted to them by the Japanese government in 1912. 

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