Sunday 18 December 2011

Jelly swarm - interactive origami lighting installation

'jelly swarm' is an interactive lighting project created by vancouver-based tangible interaction who works in
creating sensory installations which stand as participatory experiences. the piece is comprised of ninety-four 'jellies',
each made from laser cut and scored Tyvek® that is then carefully hand-folded by origami artist joseph wu.
the ninety-four unit, all illuminated from within by an LED module, are suspended from a reflective aluminum structure
which reflects patterns of color and light onto the surrounding space. 
installed within the pacific canada pavilion gallery at the vancouver aquarium, the work is part of the institution's
holiday program 'luminescence' which invites guests to witness and learn about the light phenomena which lives
in the deepest part of our seas. 'jelly swarm' has been developed to imitate, the natural and reactive behaviours of
bioluminescent jellyfish which glow when they have been disturbed. within the exhibition space,
when visitors move their hands across plinth-mounted touchscreen interfaces, their actions cause the jellies to respond.
if left alone, the origami forms, individually programmed, interact with their closes neighbours,
resulting in generative luminescent displays. 

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